WeLearn Academy Newsletter – Nov 1 – Nov 5, 2021
WeLearn Academy Newsletter – November 1 – November 5, 2021
Dear WeLearn Community:
Happy Friday! We have had a very good first week back at the center. Our safety protocols are fully in place and our app for uploading your ATK test results and risk assessment form are up and running. We held a Q&A session on Wednesday morning and have sent out the presentation slides to all parents by email. As a reminder, our ATK testing requirements are:
Learners: Prior to first return to onsite learning at the center
Parents: Weekly! Please submit each Monday.
If you haven’t received it or still have questions, please contact Khun Kwan, our Parent Relations and Communication, at call: 065-462-9494, or email: parentsrelation@welearn.org or LINE: @parentrelations.
Come to the Center! We would really like to see more Learners join us in the center for our PBL and Innovation Sessions. Our PBL and Innovation courses were designed for on-site, group learning as the hands-on counterpart to our online core academic program.
December Flex Month Program: We are exploring options to offer special Experiential Learning Programs during the first half of December. Please keep your calendar open!
The MAP Assessment: The Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment is scheduled at 10 am – 3 pm, November 22, 2021, for the Middle Learners, and November 29, 2021, for the Primary and Secondary Learners. The assessment will be administered at the center in Bangkok. More information may be found in the Learner Success section below!
PBL Showcase: Our PBL Showcase is where learners present to experts, peers, and parents the PBL projects they have been working on throughout the term.
The PBL showcase will be on-site according to the schedule below:
Primary Learners: Friday, Dec 3rd, 2021 (10 am -12 pm)
Middle Learners: Wednesday, Dec 1st, 2021 (1 pm – 3 pm)
Secondary Learners: Tuesday, Nov 30th, 2021 (10 am – 12 pm)
As always, Upward and Onwards!!
CEO & Founding Father of WeLearn
David Doran